Please note that Sikuli runs only using the JRE6 32 bit version. Sikuli is Java based so if you do not have Java Run Time (JRE) already installed then download the 32 bit package from oracle website and install it. You might consider setting PYTHONPATH environment variable if needed.To make sure Python was properly installed open a console window then type: “python” You should get the Python command prompt.Follow the instructions and use default settings.Select windows installer “Python 2.7.2 Windows Installer” or you can directly access the link: You can always select the latest production version.Click the download link on the left side of the page.Robot Framework runs on Python so we need to install it. Installation on different operating systems should be similar though it might not be exactly the same.

The following sections outline the detailed steps needed to perform the integration on Windows machine. Selenium (web driver) Robot Framework library:.For more information about these technologies please visit their respective websites as indicated below: This is not a Robot Framework Tutorial nor a Sikuli Tutorial.

In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to integrate Sikuli (open source image based test automation tool) and Selenium (object based web automation framework) into Robot Framework (keyword and data driven test automation framework).